

Marcel-Paul “Marco” Schützenberger (October 24, 1920 – July 29, 1996) was a French mathematician and Doctor of Medicine. He worked in the fields of formal language, combinatorics, and information theory. Several notable theorems and objects in mathematics as well as computer science bear his name (for example Schützenberger group or the Chomsky–Schützenberger hierarchy). Paul Schützenberger was his great-grandfather.

Paul Schützenberger (23 December 1829 – 26 June 1897) was a French chemist. He was born in Strasbourg, where his father Georges Frédéric Schützenberger (1779–1859) was professor of law, and his uncle Charles Schützenberger (1809–1881) professor of chemical medicine.

He was intended for a medical career and graduated MD from the University of Strasbourg in 1855, but his interests laid in physical and chemical sciences. In 1853 he went to Paris as preparateur to JF Persoz (1805–1868), professor of chemistry at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers. A year later he was entrusted with a course of chemical instruction at Mulhouse, and he remained in that town until 1865

Marcel-Paul: second row, second from the right


Mahargjono’s mom Hariati was one of daughter of Soeparsi and Soerosoegondo, a school inspector in 1900th until he died. Beside Hariati, the also have 7 more daughters as follow:

  1. Soemijati Soetarmo binti Soerosoegondo
  2. Soepartinah Pakasi binti Soerosoegondo
  3. Soejatinah Mohamad binti Soerosoegondo
  4. Soeitinah Darmadji Hardja Koesoemah binti Soerosoegondo
  5. Hariati Schutzenberger binti Soerosoegondo
  6. Soemarahadi Soekanwo binti Soerosoegondo
  7. Harmoniati Umar Sanusi binti Soerosoegondo
  8. Sutiti Arismoenandar binti Soerosoegondo

The daughters of Soerosoegondo who initiate the lots of movement and activites to promote better education in Indonesia, also do some charity works in the field of humanitarian and social. Hariati Schützenberger,slots online initiate the establishment of a foundation in Education field as the continuation of her wish in to honour the memory of Mahargijono, her late son.

Hariati: first row, third from the left

Hence the legal foundation named Yayasan Mahargijono Schützenberger Indonesia was finally founded in 03 Februari 2021. Which is done by the 3rd and 4th generation of Soerosoegondo in order to honour the memori of all Soerosoegondo daughters and as honour to their noble wishes in promoting better education for Indonesian. This foundation also meant to unify all the Soerosoegondo descendants until later.